Situation Map: War on Ukraine


Zoï has documented the environmental impacts of conflict in Donbas since 2014. These two maps published on 2 March 2022 and 23 March 2022 are first attempts to depict the devastating environmental impacts of the war in Ukraine. These snapshots show the situation seven days and one month after the conflict began. Although Zoï has made every effort possible to present accurate information in the maps, the situation remains fluid and reliable data is difficult to obtain and validate. We will correct any errors in light of new and verifiable information.

A number of articles on the subject have been published in various media. Some feature the maps, whereas others include quotes and information provided by Zoï.

Alternatives Economiques (09.01.2025; FR) Dans l’est de l’Ukraine, la région de Donetsk n’est plus que ruines

VOA (01.02.2024; EN) Scientists Try to Assess Wars’ Impact on Environment, Climate Change

Watson (28.01.2024; FR) La Russie détruit ce trésor ukrainien capital pour l’Europe

Spiegel (16.08.2023; DE) Zerstörte Industrie, vergiftete Gewässer: Wie der Krieg die Ukraine verseucht

Alternatives Economiques (27.06.23; FR) En Ukraine, la guerre décime aussi l’environnement

Le Monde (23.06.23; EN, FR) War in Ukraine: Environmental damage has become a weapon, Guerre en Ukraine : les attaques contre l’environnement sont devenues des armes à part entière

Fanpage (08.06.23; IT) Perché la diga di Khakovka è una catastrofe ecologica che avrà conseguenze anche in Italia

Vox (08.06.2023; EN) Why the Ukraine dam destruction is a massive disaster — now and in the future

Meduza (07.06.2023; EN, RU) What really happened to the Kakhovka dam?

Watson (05.03.2023; FR) La guerre en Ukraine fait une «victime silencieuse»

Politika (23.02.2023; FR) Sommaire de l’atelier «La guerre russe en Ukraine. Enjeux environnementaux»

Подробиці (09.02.2023; UK) Юлія Овчинникова та Дмитро Аверін про екологічни збитки від війни

La Croix (09.01.2023; FR) En Ukraine, l’environnement en première ligne

Ulkopolitiikka (04.12.22; FI) Sota saastuttaa Ukrainaa – ympäristötuhojen tutkiminen vaikeaa

AP News (11.11.2022; EN) Ukraine war’s environmental toll to take years to clean up

CISR Journal (10.10.2022; EN) Explosive Weapons Use and the Environmental Consequences: Mapping Environmental Incidents in Ukraine

Geneva Toxic Free Talks (22.09.2022; Video EN) The Challenge of Warfare and War Zones’ Toxicity | Repairing Toxic Damages

France 24 (24.08.2022; EN, FR) Ukraine war passes half-year mark, leaving a ‘toxic environmental legacy’, Guerre en Ukraine : l’environnement, dommage collatéral du conflit

Watson (08.08.2022; FR) Les incendies, l’autre fléau qui ravage l’Ukraine à cause de la guerre

European Green Academy, Warsaw, (16.07.2022; Video EN) Biodiversity & Conflict: the Environmental Cost of the War in Ukraine

Geneva Solutions (13.07.2022; EN) How green can Ukraine’s recovery really be?

Alma&Georges (25.05.2022; FR) Guerre en Ukraine – Lettres de là-bas

ABC Radio (19.05.2022; EN). Ukraine collects evidence against Russia for environmental crimes

Al Jazeera (16.05.2022; EN). Can Ukraine hold Russia accountable for environmental crimes?

Voxeurop (20.04.2022; EN, DE, ES, FR, IT). What impact will the war in Ukraine have on the environment?

Green European Journal (06.04.2022; EN). The Environmental Cost of the War in Ukraine

Süddeutsche Zeitung (29.03.2022; GE). Wie der Krieg der Umwelt schadet

EU Neighbours East (22.03.2022; EN). World Water Day: water in times of war – the case of Ukraine

Time Magazine (18.03.2022; EN). The Environmental Health Risks of War in a Highly Industrialized Country Like Ukraine

Inside Climate News (04.03.2022; EN). Activists Deplore the Human Toll and Environmental Devastation from Russia’s Unprovoked War of Aggression in Ukraine

CEOBS (25.02.2022; EN). 48 hours in and we are already seeing a pattern of environmental harm in Ukraine